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Mož, 57
Višina: Prazno
Teža: Prazno
Lasje: Blond/blonde
Oči: Blauw/Blue
Ljubezen in odnosi
Stanje: Samski/a
Najljubši film: Prazno
Najljubša skladba: Prazno
Najljubša knjiga: Prazno
Najljubša barva: Prazno
Najljubše hrana: Prazno
Najljubši šport: Prazno
Hišne živali: Prazno
Idol: Prazno
Izobrazba: Prazno
Poklic: Prazno
Getting knowing you better.
Reading, walking, biking, beach.
Druge informacije
I am who I am, I miss intimacy and conviviality, maybe with someone I want to take you by the hand and kidnaps you unwittingly for outgoing somewhere and having a good time together. I am fairly quiet in dust, but that can be worked on. It must of course come from 2 sides. I believe this is due to the circumstances in which I have stayed. Absolutely fair. Shared fun is double fun. An emotional person and certainly also spiritual. Does not withstand injustice or setbacks. It would be great to stay with someone regularly in the 1st instance and of course I would also like to continue doing my own thing. The best thing you can become is yourself..

I'm standing with both feet on the ground. can be very directly, stubborn and tenacious until the contrary has convinced me. I don't like long chatting or playing games. If one of your first questions is what I'm doing for a living, would you please don't take any contact with me because I will block you.

If you ask me for money or gifts, I will block you immediately. Be warned and don’t forget this! I can be generous but I believe besides flirting you need first a meeting in person to see if we're falling in love with each other. If there's no natural way, our love hadn't never a chance to survive.

I don't have Facebook or Instagram, but I do have Linkedin and other platforms to communicate.

If you’re interested in me, catch your free time schedule and let’s go for a drink in the real world with me.

The ice can be extremely thin in the middle of the frozen lake and if you have the courage to meet me in the middle of this lake, it's still not guaranteed for a success with each other.
Ta spletna stran uporablja piškotki in druge sledilne tehnologije za razlikovanje med napravami, prilagajanje storitev, analitične in statistične namene ter prilagajanje vsebine in prikazovanja oglasov. Nekaj informacije lahko uporabimo tudi za socialne medije, oglaševalske in analitične partnerje. Če boš še naprej uporabljal/a spletno stran, predvidevamo, da ustreza tvojim trenutnim nastavitvam. Nastavitve lahko kadar koli spremeniš v svojem brskalniku, kar pa lahko znatno zmanjša funkcionalnost naše spletne strani.